Listed below are the editing services I provide.
What I Do
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The most common edit, copyediting corrects grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation errors and inconsistencies.
After all editing is done, proofreading checks for the most egregious of errors.
Editing services covers blogs, articles, websites, short stories, and novels.
An author will hire a copyeditor when they feel their story is complete. This means that the author has performed their own developmental edit (or hired an editor to do so) and has performed several revisions of their work themselves and is ready to publish. Self-published authors choose this option most.
Copyediting corrects grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation errors and inconsistencies, clarity, consistency, and factual correctness. The editor will serve the reader, making clear what isn’t. The editor will also serve the author, clarifying what isn’t clear.
There can be different levels of copyediting that an editor provides.
Light: Covers mechanical errors such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Will point out severely convoluted texts and query factual errors.
Rate: $0.010 per word
Medium: Includes light edit. Will make suggestions for convoluted paragraphs. Check for parallelism.
Rate: $0.012 per word
Heavy: Rearrange or rewrite sentences for readability and flow. Correct factual inconsistencies. Ensure consistent style and tone.
Rate: $0.014 per word
Each editor differs in their approach and the level of editing they perform or offer. No matter which option or style of editing your editor performs, they should ensure that your authorial voice remains intact.
Warning: A copyeditor may send the work back to the author and suggest an editor perform a developmental edit. It is in the best interest of the author to have a developmental edit performed or ensure they provide as clean of a manuscript copy as possible to the copyeditor.
Copyediting Example
Janet stood before Loyd. In her hands were a package. Loyd was ancious. When she handed the package to him he waisted no time removing the wrapping. With each tear, his excitement diminished. It was a book. “thank you!’ he said. He looked up with a forced smile.
Janet stood before Loyd. In her hands were was a package. Loyd was ancxious. When she handed the package to him, he waisted no time removing the wrapping. With each tear, his excitement diminished. It was a book. “tThank you!‘“ he said. He looked up with a forced smile.
Janet stood before Loyd. In her hands was a package. Loyd was anxious. When she handed the package to him, he wasted no time removing the wrapping. With each tear, his excitement diminished. It was a book. “Thank you!” he said. He looked up with a forced smile.
Rate: $0.008 per word
Proofreading is the absolute last step in editing. The author has ensured the structure of their story (character development, audience) is sound and someone has copyedited their work to correct inconsistencies, grammar, and spelling from the writing process. Now, the work is proofed: it’s a draft blog post, formatted zine entry, or formatted ebook. The work is in its near published form.
Here, your proofreader will review the style sheet the copyeditor has provided and check for the most egregious of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. This includes a table of contents, page numbers, etc.
We easily confuse proofreading with copyediting. While there is overlap in the varying levels of editing, proofreading is the last step in the process to catch anything missed during the copyedit. The goal of a proofread is to have little to no changes made. As such, the scope of what proofreaders review, compared to copyeditors, is narrowed.
Warning: A proofreader may send the work back to the author and suggest an editor perform a copyedit if they find too many errors. In those situations, it is in the best interest of the author to have a copyedit performed.
Proofreading Example
Original (post copyedit)
Janet stood before Loyd. In her hands was a package. Loyd was anxious. When she handed the package to him, he wasted no time removing the wrapping. With each tear, his excitement diminished. It was a book. “Thank you!’ he said. He looked up with a forced smile.
Janet stood before Loyd. In her hands was a package. Loyd was anxious. When she handed the package to him, he waisted no time removing the wrapping. With each tear, his excitement diminished. It was a book. “Thank you!” he said. He looked up with a forced smile.
Janet stood before Loyd. In her hands was a package. Loyd was anxious. When she handed the package to him, he wasted no time removing the wrapping. With each tear, his excitement diminished. It was a book. “Thank you!” he said. He looked up with a forced smile.
All rates are for the 2022 season.
I’m ready when you are!